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Picture of Queen Elizabeth

Plans Underway for National Memorial to Honor Queen Elizabeth in the U.K.

Preparations are underway for the creation of a national memorial to honor Queen Elizabeth in the U.K., as per a recent report. The Telegraph reveals that a team is currently being assembled to oversee the commissioning of the memorial, with further details expected to be disclosed in September.

The project seems to be a collaborative effort between the Royal household and the Government, as they work closely together to finalize the plans. The committee’s members will be announced ahead of the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth‘s death on September 8.

The U.K. government recently released updated guidance on the use of Queen Elizabeth‘s name for memorialization, emphasizing that the full title of Queen Elizabeth II will be closely protected and granted for applications with strong Royal connections. Communities, organizations, and individuals have been encouraged to consider using her name and title for commemorating her extraordinary reign, such as naming parks, gardens, or streets, with requests incorporating “memorial” or “remembrance” likely to receive favorable consideration.

While Buckingham Palace has not yet issued an official statement on the ongoing developments, the move to create a national memorial comes as no surprise. Queen Elizabeth, who held the record for the longest-reigning monarch in British history, passed away in September 2022 at the age of 96, and an official national tribute in her honor is yet to be established.

A new statue of Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, designed by sculptor Philip Jackson, seen after it's unveiling by Queen Elizabeth II

Previously, statues were erected in memory of Queen Elizabeth‘s parents, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, on the northwest side of The Mall in London. The memorials, which share a classic aesthetic, serve as a lasting tribute to the late sovereigns. The King George VI Memorial was unveiled in 1955 by his daughter Elizabeth, while the Queen Mother Memorial was unveiled in 2009 and was chosen by her grandson, King Charles.

As preparations for the Queen Elizabeth memorial continue, the nation eagerly anticipates a fitting tribute to commemorate the life and extraordinary reign of the beloved monarch.

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