The Gossip Guide

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez’s New Single “Can’t Get Enough” Paves Way for Her Upcoming Album and Film

Jennifer Lopez, at 54, continues to dazzle the music world with her latest single, “Can’t Get Enough,” alongside an engaging music video. The track, a precursor to her ninth studio album “This Is Me…Now,” resonates with the energy and joy that Lopez is known for. In a YouTube live stream prior to the video premiere, Lopez shared her excitement about the song, emphasizing its performance appeal and infectious happiness.

The creation of “Can’t Get Enough” also saw Jennifer Lopez seeking input from her husband, Ben Affleck. Lopez values Affleck’s insights greatly, citing his deep understanding of her story and personality as crucial in shaping the music video’s direction. Affleck’s involvement extends beyond just advice, as he co-wrote and directed the accompanying film, “This Is Me…Now: A Love Story,” which is set to release on Prime Video, the same day as the album, February 16th.

The album “This Is Me…Now” is anticipated to be a deeply personal narrative, exploring themes of true love and self-discovery. Lopez, in her live stream, expressed her desire to convey to fans that genuine love exists, a theme that is likely to permeate the album.

In a teaser dropped on social media, Lopez is seen in a wedding-themed music video, wearing a striking white gown and interacting with a series of grooms, including a cameo from ‘Dancing with the Stars’ pro Derek Hough. The wedding motif, a recurring element in Lopez’s work, is explored in a playful yet profound manner, hinting at her own journey from heartbreak to love.

Lopez described the video as a ‘meta story’ about the path from heartbreak to love, humorously alluding to her expertise in weddings, if not marriage. The album and film are positioned as a sequel to her 2002 album “This Is Me… Then,” which delved into her relationship with Affleck during their initial romance.

Fans eagerly await the release of both “This Is Me…Now” and the accompanying film, as Lopez continues to redefine and explore her musical and personal journey.

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