G.A.M.E. Competition: Redefining Music Creation
So say goodbye to the daze of musicians and fans and hello to a new dawn, because with the “Game Recognize Game” contest, G.A.M.E. would take over and rule the music industry by uplifting all sorts of creative minds into being able to pursue what they want, yet still give back to the community.
At the helm of this development scheme is none other than Lawrence, Kansas native Tony Gaines, the premiere visionary producer. Tony launched his career on nothing more than self-taught talent and an intense love for music, fostered by inspiration from artists as diverse as AC/DC and Run DMC. These have seen him advance to the capacity of being able to create unique sounds that touch the very center of most artists and fans. With over 1,000 songs and songs that have garnered gold certifications under his belt as well, Tony is the proof in the pudding.
The “Game Recognize Game” competition offers artists an unprecedented 50% royalty rate, positioning music creators in creation fully as true partners. That way, the artist is fully paid, which is a critical factor in ensuring that the artist retains many of the rights to their whole work. Fans can have an equal share of this new model by getting the G.A.M.E. ERC20 token, which will enable them to start earning from the music and content developed by their best artists. This will build a closer connection between the artist and fans, and at the same time, it assures that the fans have a new way in which they benefit from supporting an artist.
This goes back into supporting G.A.M.E.’s mission toward transparency and fairness through the use of blockchain technology, making sure all transactions are clear and safe for trust. Apart from the music, G.A.M.E. is committed to offering support to arts education in communities at high risk in order that it can use the platform for growth and empowerment where it is needed the most. “Game Recognize Game” is a way independent artists can receive the necessary support, resources, and expert marketing advice for making innovative, unique music. With such support, it was easier to develop authentic, creative music that would cut through in an awfully saturated market. Digital sales, merchandise, live performance, and token exchange are its sustainable business models. Done in a way such that continuous innovation is guaranteed and long-term viability is possible.
Sound-wise, Tony Gaines says, “Just be original and be in the middle of it all with your fans.” He continues, “Be yourself and let the music tell your story,” for the competition isn’t simply about winning but more so about joining a forward-looking community with the power to reshape the music industry.
Seize your chance to become a part of this revolution. Log onto the G.A.M.E. webpage and enter the “Game Recognition Game” submission. Experience the future of music, where, through collaboration with fans, both the artist and the fan win.